Button mortification.

When hubby passed me a shirt this morning with the simple request that I replace the collar button, you would think this was not an unreasonable request. After all I have a few buttons.
So I confidently tipped out my tin of pearly buttons. The ones I don't use so often. And I sorted out all the coloured ones leaving a pile of all those ubiquitous white pearly buttons any button collector accumulates by the pound.
I looked for a tiny button to match the remaining collar button but fast realised that was too tricky. So I removed the awkward button from the shirt and searched instead for a pair....
Could I find a pair of tiny buttons just the right size? Nope!
Was I mortified? Yep!
Did I feel my button collecting was really quite an embarrassment if I couldn't even replace a lost shirt button? Yep!
Did I feel there was an issue to be addressed here? Oh yes certainly!
Clearly I need to buy more buttons! I just don't have enough!
Meanwhile, glancing across my messy work table this morning I spied a little pin cushion I have had since I was a child.
It has never struck me before just how barbaric it is and what that poor little chap has been through over the years! He seems happy though!
Now, working, working! Two Christening gifts to complete first, then stock for the fair! Chop chop! Honest I am! Working, that's me......Blogging? Who? t.xx


bex said…
i make alot of button jewellery and often get dissapointed that in the wealth of buttons i have in my collections i struggle to find pairs. or that i will spend ages finding the right button!!...no wait that one is not a surprise...that makes a complete sense to me!!
Tracy said…
oooohhhhh,buttons I am a total magpie for them,my friend has a phobia of buttons how bizarre is that she only had clothes with zips and hooks.
Thankyou for your comment on my blog.
Anonymous said…
Love the pin cushion! xxx
Chop, chop indeed though blogging is so much more fum than working!!

I'd be tempted to stick the odd pin in the bottom of that little chappy!

Have fun button hunting and stock piling. Have a lovely week,

Nina x
Sal said…
No matter how much pain he is in..I do love your pin cushion!
Rhiannon said…
even if you did have the right buttons, it makes sense to buy more buttons :)

I have a similar pin cushion, although mine has little men all around the edge so less stabbing occurs!

marble rose said…
That's hilarious! So did you get the shirt done??? I also have said pin cushion - although it is a circle of little men - the more masochists the merrier I say!!

Kris said…
It looks like the pin cushion guy is getting accupunture. :)

Love the pin cushion! How hard would it be to make one like that, hmmmmmm? *hint*

Been there with the whole gajillion button thing, but not having the ONE that I need! Very intersting....
Adaiha said…
Your pincushion is hilarious. I have the similar one that is a circle of those guys holding up the center ball, but you don't really get to stick pins in them!

You definitely do need more buttons! ;)
Anonymous said…
How disconcerting for you?? All that buttony variety and no matches found!
No wonder you felt the need to blog about it, we are all here sympathizing and emphathising with your button-some tale of woe...
A Thrifty Mrs said…
I had the same problem recently. Mr Thrifty was no impressed.

Your poor, poor pin cushion.
MrsL said…
Just think of it as pincushion acupuncture............LOL


Floss said…
I agree with the accupuncture theory - a Chinese pincushion with Chinese medicine - why not? I've got a few of the more ordinary 'little guys holding hands' ones, but I've never seen one like yours.

I went a bit button crazy over the last few weeks, culmintating in buying someone's lifetime button collection at a Vide Greniers yesterday. Do you want to email me the button specifications and see if my Madame X collected the buttons you need?
fern said…
I have the same problem. Sometimes I have to BUY buttons for things.
Clearly there are buttons for looking at and fondling, and buttons for actual jobs.....
Don't worry, I have the matching button! I'll give it to Niki and she can pass it on!

Perhaps you need to visit Tamsyn's new blog "Confessions of a buttonholic".

Lace hearts said…
I do find the same problem - I can never find just the button I need, no matter how many I seem to have. What a lovely post - you did make me laugh.
Katie said…
Hello! What a gorgeous blog you have here! Thanks for popping over to mine and leaving such a nice comment. If you ask me, you can never have too many buttons! They are such fabulous things...Katie x
k. said…
My mum has a theory on missing buttons. The reason she has a large collection of spare buttons, is to keep them on the clothes. If she has an extra one, they will never fall off. If you lose the spare however, at least one will go missing form the piece of clothing. It does seem to work. But then she also tries to convince me that sock are the larvae of wire coat hangers...
Niki Fretwell said…
Hi T!
No, not nearly enough buttons yet! ;-))
N x
You obviously don't have enough buttons! This is a very serious position to be in so I recommend buying more immediately!
