Girly Crisis

Despite the apparent pinkness of my blogysphere, I am not really a terribly girly girl. No really lovely readers, pink and flowers are my work style more than my personal attire. But recently there are days when I feel I am completely overwhelmed by the beautiful boy and his boyishness in our home. Despite my best efforts to the contrary, the latest thing in this house is guns.... plastic guns, guns fashioned from twigs, metal key-ring guns and even real guns (supervised, obviously!). Even on a country walk we come home with gun memorabilia... clay pigeons, shot cartridges.... guns are the thing wherever I turn....
Quietly waiting for the phase to pass, trying very hard not to cause a scene and thereby give it some undue importance, I am wearing more pink than is usual... resulting in the resurrection of this very old pink t-shirt...
worn for an accidental shopping trip with Mrs Bobobun and her gorgeous, pretty and gun-free girls...which in turn resulted in these....
affectionately known to my girlfriends as 'The Mid-life Converse" and my oh my they make me smile amidst the lego tanks, the brio catapults, the hot wheels car smashes and the array of animal bones being soaked in bleach solution in the kitschen (I kid you not - we are assembling a skeleton collection!)...
And then I came upon this...
Seems my darling boy has not entirely gone to the other side quite yet - mummy still has a little influence in his dear little life! Hurrah to that!
Now. Did you think I had stopped shopping? Have I not shared any thriftiness of late? A catch up is needed I am sure - back soon! t.xx


Kali said…
hehehe....just love it!!
Beki said…
This post has really made me smile
Beki xxx
VintageVicki said…
Love it - just think yourself lucky its only 2 males to 1 in your house. We're 3 males to 1 here - will I ever find a loo seat down!! or a floor free of lego???

Love the mid-life converses - mine are purple.
Pomona said…
I love the hippy warrior! I used to feel like that when my boys were small - and even now I sometimes think that they inhabit a different universe where no one goes 'Ah!' and smiles at the small and cuddly. And when I squeak 'How sweet!' they all smile knowingly and I can feel the metaphorical pat on the head!

Pomona x
Floss said…
Ah, yes, indeed... We have a four males (including one cat)/two females (including one dog) ratio here. I have been known to quietly throw plastic guns and those horrid little plastic balls into the bin when not being watched...

But at the same time the boys bake and sew - have I got too much influence, on them, or not enough? We don't have any bling warriors, as far as I know, though...
Sarah said…
Ha very funny! - I have 3 other males here, but I've managed to overcome every room - apart from their's with girly pink and all things 'fluffy' as they call it!
Roaring with laughter at the picture: the soldier looks like he's hitching up his pink rhinestones to show us his garter! (or maybe that's just a menopausal woman's dream!!!! :O)) x
pinkfairygran said…
Guns and anything like that were banned when my boys were small, I just wouldn't have them in the house, no matter how much cajoling and 'Ah but so-and-so's Mum lets him have them'.. bully for her thought I.
Thedarkerside73 said…
Lol loved the glam warrior! Its the opposite in the Boo Bear shed, I think DH feels so overwhelmed with any possible girlyness, that indeed big doses of Star Wars and anything boyish have been administered. My eldest always goes for boys toys! Her birthday this year? She had beautiful pink wrapping papper and inside? why a big old transformer of course! lol. And in amongst the cars and sheilds and swords, there a few girly things, but they rarely get played with! So I sometimes feel that I have more boys in the house that there are! lol.

A Thrifty Mrs said…
Haha this post made me laugh at lot.
My mother was just like this with my brother. Pellets and bullets everywhere.
The Curious Cat said…
hee hee! Action man's new look! What is it about boys and guns though? Why do men like destruction?! Feel like a men are from Mars, Women are from Venus moment coming on (though I personally don't rate the book that much) I love those pink shoes by the way! Wonderful! xxx
Bobo Bun said…
Hoo Hoo Ha Ha - great post T. Action Man's grippable hands are really holding on tight. He likes his sparkles doesn't he.

I thought you were pink and fluffy. My illusions are now completely shattered.

Mrs Bun x
My boys are also going through that phase and it turns my stomach over to see it all but like you I just keep gritting my teeth. You are doing well with Action man.. he always seems to be naked in our house!
silverpebble said…
Are my eyes deceiving me? Has Action man donned his diamante? This is excellent. Your mid-life converses are making ME smile too! Hurray for a spot of smiley pink x
Catherine said…
I am soo with you! Even though I do have a girlie she is not too girlie girl and her brother's Ben 10 aliens and Transformers seem to take over the house! It will pass..all too soon!
This post made me spit my coffee out!! LOL LOL LOL What a great picture at the end!!! I hate to break it to you but the gun phase doesn't end for a while, if ever. I'll never forget the day my oldest son, around the age of three, chewed his pizza into the shape of a gun and then proceeded to shoot me across the dinner table. We had never had any type of toy gun in our house at that point and I didn't even know he knew what a gun was. I think it's just something they're born with. Just like their fascination with cars. Thank you for a wonderful post and the morning chuckle!! : )

~ Wendy
Since Miss Cottage left for uni my house feels very much more boyish too - I think I need to do the pink thing as well!

Kelly said…
This post made me giggle!
Glad to see Action Man exploring his feminine side!

Lots of Love

Kelly xxx
Cottage1945 said…
Fabulous shoes. The army guy in rhinestones...cracks me up!
A time to dance said…
This will make you laugh, Mr B wasnt allowed an action man as his mother didnt want any of her boys playing with always makes me giggle....what a deprived boy he was...
Amanda said…
That is hilarious!! I love those converse, how fun!
Debbie said…
Oh God this was so funny! It made me think of my husband!! The collection of guns that stay in their cases in the closet and those darn shooting games he loves on xbox 360! Loved your post. I have been away from blogging for 3 months and am now just coming back. You embroidery is breathtaking!! Where do you get your inspiration? I've never seen anything like it. It's just the yummiest thing....good work.